The Problem State
Patient risks associated with poor prone positioning
Prone positioning of patients during anesthesia is associated with predictable changes in physiology that can also lead to complications.1 If positioned improperly, compression of the abdomen can create pressure in the inferior vena cava that may result in circulatory challenges. Additionally, abdominal pressure can result in diaphragmatic splinting that requires use of higher ventilatory pressures that may damage the lungs. Proper alignment of the head and neck is also essential to support effective ventilation.
Dr. Arman Dagal describes these issues in this video. In addition to the patient risk, he adds that prone patient positioning is a very complicated process especially when accommodating the needs of seriously ill patients arriving in the OR.
A Practical Solution for Prone Positioning
With the assistance of Dr. Dagal and other leading physicians, BoneFoam designed a Prone Positioning System that enables you to place the patient quickly and easily into prone. The system provides a stable platform for patient safety, supports surgical access and exposure, and addresses the critical need for abdominal decompression. Additionally, the two-piece design accommodates urinary catheters, IV lines, and procedures requiring use of table break..
Arman Dagal, MD
Dr. Arman Dagal is an anesthesiologist in Miami, Florida and the Professor and Division Chief of Neuroanesthesiology and Perioperative Neurosciences and Director of the Neuroanesthesiology Fellowship Program at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He is a trauma and neuroanesthesiologist with an interest in spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury. He has published numerous research studies in peer-reviewed, indexed journals, multiple abstracts, and other publications.

For more information on Prone Positioning Challenges and Risks, download the paper:
Prone to Safety: An Efficient Approach to Prone Positioning
Optimal Positioning and Patient Safety
The Prone Positioning System provides a standardized and simplified approach to prone patient positioning.
System set up and patient placement can be done quickly, to the benefit of patient, surgeon, and staff. With a stable platform, surgeons can access posterior anatomic structures with less risk to patient safety compared to ad hoc methods.
In the following educational videos, Dr. Dagal, discusses the current challenges associated prone positioning, current positioning methods and the benefits of the Prone Positioning System.
Risks associated with Abdominal Pressure.
Risks associated with Head and Neck Alignment.
OR Workflow Efficiency.
Prone Positioner Features and Functions.
1. British Journal of Anaesthesia 100 (2): 165–83 (2008) doi:10.1093/bja/aem380Anaesthesia in the prone position H. Edgcombe1, K. Carter1 and S. Yarrow2* 1 Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, London Road, Reading RG1 5AN, UK.